Data Protection

This personal data protection policy (hereinafter referred to as the policy) aims to inform you about the personal data collected by the somewhereontheearth and how it is used within the framework of somewhereontheearth.

General Information

Data Controller

The data controller is somewhereontheearth, represented by its Owner. Its headquarters are located at the following address:

somewhereontheearth – 9 rue Chernoviz 75016 Paris, France

somewhereontheearth is a blog about society matters.

Data Protection Officer

somewhereontheearth has appointed a Data Protection Officer (hereinafter DPO). If necessary, he can be contacted by writing to the following address:

Mr. Data Protection Officer somewhereontheearth – 9 rue Chernoviz 75016 Paris, France Or at:


  • Data Protection Officer (DPO): Internally ensures compliance with laws and regulations regarding the use of personal data within somewhereontheearth.
  • Personal Data (DCP): Any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as the “data subject”); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, particularly by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier, or to one or more specific elements of their physical, physiological, genetic, psychic, economic, cultural, or social identity.
  • Purpose of Personal Data Processing: The purpose of personal data processing is the objective pursued by the said processing. It may include managing the ordering and registration process or providing the online training space.
  • Data Controller: The natural or legal person who determines the methods of personal data processing and under whose responsibility the processing is carried out.
  • Processor: The natural or legal person who processes personal data on behalf of and according to the instructions of the data controller. This could include, for example, an IT service provider.
  • Personal Data Processing: Any use of such data. This could include entering, modifying, or merely consulting such data.

Implementation of the Training Path: How Are Your Data Used?

The implementation of the training path is entirely voluntary. This training can be paused and resumed later or completed as many times as desired. Out of respect for your privacy, no personal data is collected, processed, or stored during the completion of this path. Only data related to cookies is collected according to your consent settings.

Do you want to delete your badge or have Open Badge Factory delete your personal data? When you are notified by email of the awarding of a badge, the email will contain instructions on how to:

  • Request a copy of your personal data;
  • Request the deletion of your data.

You can also exercise your rights as outlined in the “How to Exercise Your Rights” section below.

Use of Cookies and Similar Trackers

What Cookies Does Cned Use?

These cookies can serve several purposes. They can be:

  • Necessary for the proper functioning of the site;
  • Performance cookies;
  • Audience measurement cookies.

Cned’s training spaces do not use cookies for marketing purposes.

How to Protect Yourself from Cookies and Manage Preferences

You can manage your cookie preferences at any time. This can be done both on the site and independently within the training spaces. To learn more about cookies and update your preferences, you can change the Cookie Settings.

You can also protect yourself by configuring your browser. Due to the wide variety of browsers, it is not possible to provide specific instructions here. Please refer to the help section of the browser you are using.

However, you are warned that disabling cookies may degrade the quality of your browsing experience on websites. Some services may also encounter malfunctions. somewhereontheearth cannot be held responsible for any such issues.

Exercising Your Rights

What Are Your Rights?

The GDPR provides several rights for individuals whose data is processed. These include the rights of access, rectification, objection, deletion, restriction, and withdrawal of consent.

How to Exercise Your Rights

You can request the update of your personal data held by somewhereontheearth through three means:

  • Through your personal space, if applicable;
  • Through somewhereontheearth’s customer relations center;

You can also (and for other rights) directly contact the institution’s Data Protection Officer at

Upon request, Cned has one month to respond. This period can be extended to three months for particularly complex requests.

Additionally, if you believe your rights have not been respected, you have the option to file a complaint directly with the Commission nationale de l’informatique et des libertés (Cnil).